Sunday, May 20, 2012

What's this Blog for?

Alright well, I'm pretty new to this whole blog thing. :) But from what I've heard/seen, the first post usually explains two things:

1. What the title means
2. What is mainly going to be posted on the blog

Just for fun we'll start with 2. What is mainly going to be posted on this blog.

Well, from the time I was three years old I loved reading books. Every book I could get my hands on I would read. I could never stop in the middle of a chapter, and most the time whenever I started reading a book, I couldn't just be done anywhere. I had to finish it. (Actually, come to think of it....I still am that way...) Anyway, I've always thought that it would be cool, to have a book diary, or just a record of all the books that I've read, something about them, and if I had liked them or not. But I never really put the effort into that...until now. This Blog is going to be my Book Diary. I'm going to post what books I'm reading, and I'm going to tell you all my thoughts on them. But it won't just be me posting things. My whole family will have the ability to post what they're reading and what their thoughts are on those books.

Which sort of leads back to point 1. What the title means.

The title of this blog: "A Neu Look on Books" was thought up by us Neumanns, with the idea that the word "Neu" in the title would both refer to something new, and also our last name. Neu-mann. So when reading the title you can think one of two things....or both. :)

1.  A look on books that you may not have thought of yourself.
2. This is the Neumann's perspective on books.

My hope is that you will join in and comment on books that you have also read, and give your own opinions on them!

With that all said, I have officially written my first blog post. :D I hope you all enjoy this blog!



  1. Ahh! Ellen! I'm SO excited that you have a blog! :D

    Can't wait to see what you post!

  2. Love it, twin! Keep up the good work =)
